Carnaval, Arabesque, Phantasiestücke, Toccata. Juana Zayas on piano. Total time 72:35. (DDD) UPC # 017685-11812-8
Sound Clips (MP3):
1. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Preambule
2. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Pierrot
3. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Arlequin
4. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Valse Noble
5. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Eusebius
6. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Florestan
7. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Coquette
8. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Replique
9. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Papillons
10. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- A.S.C.H.-S.C.H.A. (Lettres Danses)
11. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Chiarina
12. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Chopin
13. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Estrella
14. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Reconnaissance
15. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Pantalon et Colombine
16. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Valse allemande
17. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Paganini
18. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Aveu
19. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Promenade
21. Carnaval for piano, Op. 9- Marche des ‘Davidsbündler’ contre les Philistins
22. Arabeske for piano in C major, Op. 18
23. Toccata for piano in C major, Op. 7
24. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Des Abends
25. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Aufschwung
26. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Warum
27. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Grillen
28. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- In der Nacht
29. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Fabel
30. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Traumes Wirren
31. Fantasiestücke (8 Fantasy Pieces), for piano, Op. 12- Ende vom Lied
The New York Times wrote that Zayas had “… style, sensitivity, a big technique and an aristocratic flair for the mixture of romanticism and classicism embedded in the music.” And BBC Music Magazine said she was, ”…a musician deserving the highest respect.” Here is Volume II of her rendition of Schumann’s best piano solo works.
Vol. I, Music & Arts CD-1148, released last year, contained Schumann’s Sonata in G minor, Op. 22; Fantasie in C major, Op. 17; Romance, Op. 28 No. 2 and the Schumann/Liszt: Widmung.
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